Players Can Now Return Unwanted Magic: The Gathering Cards to be Placed In New Booster Packs and Sold Back To Them

In a groundbreaking initiative that is sure to be hailed as the epitome of sustainability and definitely not a sly profit strategy, Wizards of the Coast has announced a new program allowing players to return their unwanted Magic: The Gathering cards. The returned cards will then be graciously placed into new booster packs to then be sold to the community.

The announcement came Wednesday, with WotC lauding their own innovative approach to managing the ever-growing pile of neglected cards accumulating in players’ homes. “We’re all about sustainability and definitely not about finding new ways to monetize the same product multiple times,” said WotC spokesperson, Terry Blithely. “We’d never do something like that,” he said, unsuccessfully stifling a giggle. “This new initiative allows players to return cards they no longer need, ensuring that these cards find a loving home in the hands of… well, potentially the same person.”

Wizards of the Coast outlined the process during the announcement.

“The process is simple: players send back cards they deem unworthy of their decks, which we will thoughtfully repackage into new booster packs,” continued Blithely. “These packs will then re-enter the market, providing players with the thrilling opportunity to purchase their old cards anew.”

Veteran players have responded with a mix of mild enthusiasm and resigned acceptance. “It’s like a reunion with old friends,” commented long-time player Bill Brasky. “Cards that I dispatched because they were useless to me can now be repurchased, rediscovered, and then discarded once again. It’s the circle of life.”

Local game stores are also gearing up to manage the influx of repackaged cards.

“It’s a win-win,” said Sarah McFacey, owner of Seattle LGS Goblin Up Your Cash. “We get to sell the same cards again, and players get to experience the joy of opening packs and seeing familiar faces. Sort of like that horror trope where the haunted item keeps reappearing in your home despite increasingly desperate attempts to get rid of it. Honestly, it’s really on point for Halloween season. Oh and we can’t wait for the first official set to feature this new program called Déjà Vu Masters.”

At time of press, players were left wondering is this article is real or not.