Cult of Rakdos’ HOA Approves New Bird Fountain

The Cult of Rakdos’ Homeowners Association (HOA) has approved the installation of a new bird fountain in their community. This serene addition, a stark contrast to the typically edgy and flamboyant style of the Rakdos, is creating waves of excitement among residents. The fountain, crafted by local artisan and nature enthusiast, Eliza Featherwhisper, is set to be a tranquil oasis in the heart of their lively neighborhood.

Dubbed ‘The Peaceful Perch’, the fountain features gently cascading waters and an array of meticulously carved stone birds perched around its edges. “It’s a delightful spot for our feathered friends and a calming sight for the residents,” remarked one HOA Board member, admiring the fountain’s soothing ambiance while choking out one of the neighbors.

Some residents were pleasantly taken aback by the decision.

“I expected something more… extravagant, given our neighborhood’s flair,” said George Talon, a long-standing member of the Rakdos community. “But this fountain, with its gentle water flow and chirping birds, it’s actually quite a nice change of pace. We’ve had fifty five percent fewer burns and way fewer went missing this week. I doubt any of could have expect that!”

The fountain has allowed the troubled members of the HOA board to face their own demons.

“The urge to maim and kill is still there, but it’s kind of nice to be distracted from it for a time,” said the one simply known as Gore. “Would a body look good at the end of this pole? Sure, but would it look good next to the fountain? Not really. Who wants to smash a giant hammer made out of a person if it’s going to interrupt a bird’s bath time.”

As the fountain becomes a beloved landmark, the HOA is considering more such nature-inspired projects. “We’re seeing a whole new side to our community with this fountain,” said HOA chairperson, Lydia Brightsong chewing on a finger she found. “We’re thinking about putting up some nice arbors covered in flowers in the park next month.”