How to Tell if Your Mashed Potatoes Need More Basic Island

Mashed potatoes can be tricky. Arriving at the correct consistency means having the right tools and a bit of trial and error. While there’s no magic formula to ensure they’re perfect every time, there are various methods to determine if your mashed potatoes would benefit from a bit more Basic Island.

You might think adding Basic Island to your potatoes would ruin them, however the revelation of their unexpected benefit came during preparation for a non-denominational holiday dinner, where a frustrated host accidentally dropped Basic Island into his mashed potatoes. “I wasn’t too frustrated because I thought they were already ruined,” said the amateur chef. “The Basic Island made them instantly better. As it turned out my potatoes needed a bunch of salt.”

To determine if your mashed potatoes need more Basic Island, experts suggest the following steps:

Taste Test: If your potatoes are too bland it’s a clear sign they need more Basic Island.
Consistency: If your potatoes are runny they might be flooded. Adding a Basic Mountain will make it a bit more granular, but it’s better than a mouthful of Basic Swamp.
Temperature: Mashed potatoes prepped early can be reheated with ground up foil cards sprinkled on top then placed in the oven to get that perfect crispy crust.

Of course, not everyone is convinced. Traditional chefs have raised concerns about the practicality of adding cardboard to a dish. “Next, they’ll be telling us to garnish our salads with a D6s and to serve turkey on a playmat,” scoffed Chef Bobby Flay, a staunch believer in traditional potato preparation. “The only thing I ever serve on a playmat is an ass whooping with my Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar commander deck.”

With this discovery, players and chefs around the world are experimenting with the various possibilities of cards to food combos. A dash of Lightning Bolt to spice up that chili recipe or bits of Llanowar Elves for some nuttiness. Not all culinary accoutrements end up benefiting a dish. One player added an entire modern scam deck to their tacos, causing their entire family to endure an evening of projectile vomiting.