Official Marvel Snap Rulebook Just a Single Page with “It Just Works That Way” Written at the Top

Second Dinner plan to release an official Marvel Snap rulebook, which in a surprising yet oddly fitting move, consists of a single page featuring the phrase “It Just Works That Way.”

Despite the game’s praise for its straightforwardness, players have frequently encountered confusion due to unexpected card interactions. In the absence of a detailed rule set, players have turned to platforms like Reddit and other social media to seek explanations for gameplay mechanics, such as why Captain Marvel didn’t move. To address the recurring inquiries, Second Dinner have introduced what they believe to be a comprehensive manual.

“If you’ve played our game, it’s clear we believe in simplicity,” commented game designer, Stan Hardin. “We wanted an easy way to clarify some of the more intricate interactions between cards. The official Marvel Snap rulebook is easy to navigate and will answer every conceivable question one might have when playing. You can find it on our website, but also via .pdf for those who might struggle to recall a five-word sentence. The guide will release in tandem with another update which includes our revised method of obtaining Series 5 cards.”

Obviously, some players chide the sparse rulebook for its lack of clarity, but some players have found a strange peace in its simplicity. “It’s kind of zen, you know?” mused player, Carl Sik. “No uncertainty, no disputes. We spend so much of our lives searching for the ‘why’. Perhaps what we should be looking for is acceptance. In a way the official Marvel Snap rulebook is beautiful, really.”

Second Dinner demonstrated the Marvel Snap rulebook using an example of an in-game inconsistency:

“One player noticed a discrepancy in Marvel Snap’s use of the word ‘card’. For example, Rickety Bridge states that it will destroy all cards if there’s more than one at the location. In this example ‘card’ means anything placed down on the board, flipped over or not. However, at Oscorp Tower, which states that ‘all cards switch sides’ the location does not recognize anything as a card until it’s flipped over. Now, you might be thinking that the game should be consistent in what it considers to be a ‘card’ given that this is a card game. The Marvel Snap rulebook easily clarifies this glaring inconsistency.”

With the launch of the official Marvel Snap rulebook, numerous players have applauded Second Dinner for indirectly addressing the bug that allows Knull to have power greater than zero after being struck by Spider-Pig, despite having no abilities whatsoever.