Pro Tip: Save Money on a Deck Box by Entrusting Your Cards to Pit Demon ch’Dulth

If you’re on the hunt for a new deck box to safeguard your fresh commander deck for storage and transport, you might want to hold onto your cash. Instead of shelling out for another deck box that’ll just gather dust, why not entrust your cards to ch’Dulth the Pit Demon?

“People often don’t realize that when you summon demons, the cost to your soul correlates with your request,” shared Mike Smith, who recently entered into such a pact. “A grand wish like fame and power can lead to a challenging life and early demise. The greater the desire, the steeper the price. So, consider asking demons for smaller favors, like chopping onions to avoid tears, or in my case, safeguarding my Isshin, Two Heavens as One commander deck.”

While the concept might sound absurd, Smith clarified why a demon might be a better choice than a plastic box.

“You might doubt a demon’s ability to care for cardboard cards, given their fiery abodes,” Smith added. “But they are contractually obligated to fulfill your wishes and will go to great lengths to avoid breach. Your cards are in safer hands with ch’Dulth or his underlings than with any market-available deck box, except perhaps the Academic. Any sign of damage nullifies the contract, they forfeit my soul, and let’s just say, ch’Dulth’s superior won’t be pleased.”

Having a demon as your card custodian doesn’t mean accessing your collection is any harder.

“It’s not just about protection; it’s also a logistical advantage. Ever wanted to carry multiple decks but ran out of bag space? Demons can be summoned anytime, anywhere. It’s like DoorDash, but for your entire card collection, or at least the ones you’ve entrusted to them.”

As of the latest update, ch’Dulth was spotted doing household chores and responding to Smith’s girlfriend’s texts.