Rule 0 Discussion Concludes It’s Best Not to Play At All

A local commander pod has come to a startling conclusion after an epic rule 0 discussion: technically speaking it’s best not to play at all.

Rule 0 refers to the pregame discussion that has players modify rules in order for the format to function. In it, players discuss things like power level, banning specific cards, or implementing house rules to suit the playstyle of their respective decks.

“We talked about all the cards we didn’t want the playgroup using,” said Tommy Pantser, EDH enthusiast. “It feels like every time we sit down to play, we spend more time negotiating than playing. No one is ever happy. It used to be about making sure the playing field was even. Lately it’s tribal decks trying to ban board wipes and equipment decks crying Ouphe.”

“As Magic: The Gathering players, we feel an overwhelming urge to do everything as optimally as possible. Ever see someone posting a joke on r/magicTCG? Get ready, because rather than laugh and move on with our day we’re going to take time to describe why it’s not funny and how it could have been written better. Same goes with every game of commander. It’s simply a waste to move forward with a game until everyone’s satisfied. This often leads to a lot of back and forth but what choice do we have? No one wants to waste their time playing with skewed power levels.”

The group came to an unexpected, but highly logical conclusion.

“We came to the shocking revelation after our rule 0 discussion hit hour three. Turns out, the most optimal play is to not play anything at all. By not playing, everyone’s deck is the same power level. 0! No one person is dictating playstyle or deck choice. Everyone has equal time with their deck and at the end of the night there are no bitter feelings amongst friends.”

Since implementing the house rule of “no commander” the friends in the local commander pod report they have never looked forward night this much since they discovered the format.