Delusional Man Convinced Pokémon Cards Can be Used for Some Kind of Game

James Beagle, an avid collector of Pokémon TCG was told he can use them for an actual card game, said surprised sources.

“Pokémon are highly collectable. ‘Gotta Catch ‘Em All’ is my mantra and getting paid to opening other people’s Pokémon TCG products on stream is my business. The other day my friend Rob claimed the Pokémon cards people have been collecting for almost 30 years can actually be used in a sort-of minigame that’s akin to battling. I know. I didn’t believe it either.”

Beagle described the awkward conversation with his friend who must have been on drugs.

“When my buddy Rob told me this crazy idea I rolled my eyes and pulled up the Pokémon TCG category on I told Rob that if there were a game people could play using these cards surely someone would be streaming it, right? Of the fifty or so channels streaming not even one was doing anything other than opening packs and saying ‘ooh look at this one.’ Clearly Rob had been on a bender, which as a friend is upsetting, especially when he didn’t invite me.”

Clearly rooted in his delusion, Beagle’s friend continued ranting about symbols, numbers, and other kinds of general nonsense.

“Rob then pointed out the text on the cards. Veteran traders know the letters and numbers on the cards are merely mistranslated Japanese nonsense best ignored, just like the extra letters, TCG, in the name. He said that TCG meant trading card game to which I responded that, everyone knew the game was trading money for cards. He was convinced there was a whole other game I had been missing out on. If there was a game, why wouldn’t they just sell the game? Why distribute game pieces in random packs? None of it made sense and I wasn’t convinced.”

At time of press, Beagle said he is considering trying out Pokémon TCG in the hope of showing his friend Rob just how delusional he is so he can seek the help he needs.

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