DIY: Get Free Magic Arena Gems Using Grandma’s Home Equity

Free Magic Arena Gems

We all want free Magic Arena gems and by using this DIY guide, you can pull the handle of the random card slot-machine without worry by utilizing Grandma’s home equity.

Keeping up with new cards in Magic Arena isn’t cheap. Between Alchemy, Standard, and supplemental sets like Lord of the Rings the free-to-play grind doesn’t cut it anymore. If you’re like us having anything short of a complete collection is as unacceptable as Uncle “Sweaty Hands” Bob coming within fifty yards of a public school. Though gems are expensive and the quantity you need to acquire a whole expansion’s worth of cards is numerous there are ways to obtain the funds necessary so you can affix the proverbial spile to your brainstem to let the dopamine flow.

Those who recommend the old-fashioned feet-to-the-ground approach of a dismal nine to five aren’t likely to have a grandmother sitting on an elephantine pile of home equity. By tapping into this veritable reservoir of sweet virgin cash, your dreams of owning all the stuff can be realized.

You may be asking, “But what is home equity and how does it help me catch this stupid carrot Wizards of the Coast keeps dangling in front of me?” Great question. In the simplest terms, Grandma bought a house for next to nothing, then ruined the economy for everyone, resulting in grossly inflated prices for everything, including her home. The difference in the price she paid for her home when she bought it working part time in the card-catalog section of the public library, and today’s value, amounts to her available equity. Given the vigor in which her generation smashed in the back door of everyone to come after, that amount is substantial, though significantly less so when converted to your free Magic Arena gems.

Trust us when we say the money is there. The trick is how to get it. You might be thinking that it’s theft. You stupid fuck. The elderly are the ones who robbed us. Besides, your parents are foaming at the mouth in anticipation of Maw, Maw’s impending passing. What are they going to spend it on? QVC? An RV? Certainly nothing as essential as Mythic wildcards and silly characters to click on while waiting to see if you’re being roped. You’re not a greedy little shit, you’re just ahead of the curve.

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